Saturday, February 12, 2011

Interviews are Fun

Interviews for grad school can be nerve-wracking and exhausting. But I cannot deny what an experience it is to talk to all these awesome neuroscientists doing amazing work at the forefront of their fields. Much of this work is probably unpublished, so we get to see all of these questions and answers that are going to show up in the big journals within the next year or two.

If that doesn't excite you to no end, well, grad school might not be the right place for you. But for me, being in this community, with people who are as excited as me about the cool stuff being discovered, is like being on cloud 9. Or maybe cloud 8 (I like the number 8).

There's still the tiredness and the work I have to make up and missing multiple weekends of my last semester at Berkeley. But hearing about cutting edge research (sometimes literally, with electron microscopy), making friends with other recruits on the interview circuit, and getting free food/drink/hotel/airfare (which is honestly the least of it) - so worth it.

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